Monthly Archives: May 2015

Outtakes from a Cheese Shoot


Just finished up the images for the product catalog for Cellars at Jasper Hill. Which coincided with the Vermont cheese article I shot for the Spring 2015 IMAGE Magazine featuring them along with two other cheese makers; Twig Farm and Lazy Lady.

9 hours of straight cheesin’. Huge thanks to Molly Browne (@theunsinkablemkb) for the recommendation, food styling, and social media shoutouts; Zoe Brickley for creative direction and discerning eye; and the entire Jasper team for being such good sports.

Here are a few of the “out-takes”. You can see the full article on page 51 of the online issue.


A bulliten board of blue ribbons, awards include Bayley Hazen Blue which won best unpasteurized cheese at the 2014 World Cheese Awards in London and Winnimere won Best in Show at the American Cheese Society Conference of 2013 in Wisconsin.

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